Welcome to Fortuna Calls

Researching market behaviour to forecast the future

AI & Cyclical Models

Fortuna Calls utilizes advanced AI models, pattern recognition, Cyclical Time Targets, and wave capital analysis to forecast Short & Long term market movement

Live Daily Forecasts

Everyday our team posts on our blog and in Telegram our latest generated Forecasts.

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Recent  Posts & Forecasts

Stay up to date with the latest market insights and forecasts on our blog.

(Daily & Weekly Forecast) The Dow to continue trend 3-22-24. All time Highs Week of the 25th

Weekly The week of the 18th opened at 388.85 (DIA). As its stands now should[…]

SPY Bullish Forecast 6-2-24

Monthly we see that June is our first Target with a declining Trend thereafter. There[…]

DIA Moving up 6-1-24 Forecast

Monthly we see the potential for June to produce an Opposite Trend into July from[…]

Bitcoin Weekly Forecast 6-1-24 – Rally into July

Monthly we see that we have a Rising Trend into the Month of July. May[…]

Bitcoin Monthly Forecast 5-19-24 All Time High’s In July!

Monthly – Our Models show that April was a sharp decline for Bitcoin with May[…]

Dow Jones Industrial Index (DIA) Monthly Forecast 5-19-24

Monthly – We see that May starts a Trend where we then move into September[…]

S&P 500 (SPY) New Highs into June! 5-19-24

Monthly – Our Trend models are showing a continued upside movement into June from the[…]

DIA Weekly Forecast 4-29-24

Monthly we see that there is some choppiness. March was our prior Target with April[…]

S&P 500 – Weekly Forecast 4-29-24

Monthly we see that this is very similar to what we posted for DIA. March[…]

What is Fortuna Calls?

Fortuna Calls specializes in researching market behaviour including wave based capital flows to forecast the future. We utilize different AI models, cyclical time targets, as well as capital wave analysis.

We offer free forecasts for the public as well as far more detailed Forecasts for our premium members.

Want longer term forecasts?
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While we do offer a Free Blog and Telegram group access for Daily & Weekly Forecasts for much longer term Forecasts we highly recommend our VIP group.

Our Forecasting Services

Trade the trend don’t turn against the wind.

Market Analysis and Trend Identification

Financial Forecasting and Risk Management

Short and long-term forecasting

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Markets we Forecast

  • Bitcoin
  • DIA
  • SPY

Here at Fortuna Calls, we specialize in forecasting the movement of Bitcoin, the S&P 500 (SPY), and The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DIA)

Join Elite Membership

  • Longer Term Forecasting
  • Time Targets For accurate price movement
  • Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly Time Targets
  • Accurate price targets

For our VIP clients, you get much more detailed analysis with better time targets. Free members typically only get daily to short-term weekly targets. VIP members see the full picture as Fortuna does.

Currently we specialize in forecasting the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DIA), S&P 500(SPY), and Bitcoin. In Q2 of this year we will be adding more markets that our AI has specialty in.

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AI Given

Membership Features

Currently our Free group offers Weekly Forecasting; however, post May 8th the free group will only be given Daily targets for forecasted trend price movement.

Free membership

  • Daily Trend Forecasts for DIA, SPY, BTC
  • Free lifetime membership
  • No long-term forecasts, weekly, monthly, quarterly!


Free Premium membership

  • Receive daily and weekly forecasts for DIA, SPY, and BTC
  • Price targets given for each market when forecasts are made
  • The Premium Group will remain Free until May 8th 2024



VIP Group

  • Long-Term Forecasting. Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly Forecasting for DIA, SPY, BTC.
  • AI Generated Trading Strategy with given Price Targets per market
  • Over 85% Accurate Forecasting


Don’t miss out on exclusive long-term market predictions. Join our VIP group today and stay ahead of the game.

Contact Info

Email, Telegram, Social media

Contact Us directly or join our Free Telegram group

  • sales@fortunacalls.net
  • @FortunaCalls
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