Bitcoin Monthly Forecast 5-19-24 All Time High’s In July!

Monthly – Our Models show that April was a sharp decline for Bitcoin with May showing the potential to form the bottom with an opposite reaction thereafter into July. Currently Bitcoin has rallied from the Low of ~$56,500 established on May 1st.

Bitcoin has Rallied upward into the current week of May 20th with high potential for new All Time High’s to form in July.

Our models would point to the possibility of BTC gaining Highs as global capital is attempting to get off the grid. War and Sovereign debt defaults are right around the corner.

Expect Higher High’s in the weeks ahead as we enter July.

There after we see the potential for an opposite reaction into October which would then set the trend thereafter.

Should the May low be broken in June then July would then form the bottom.

Our Monthly models are Bullish at this time.

Weekly – We see that there is potential for a downside movement into the week of May 27th where the week of June 3rd would then start a new trend into the week of June 24th.

Should the price Target of 67,500 be broken intraday the week of May 20th then expect High’s to continue into the week of May 27th.

May 27th is our strongest Target to either form a reaction Low or a continued High at this time. Pay attention to our price Targets to determine the Rally.

Monthly our models still point to All Time High’s in July.

Daily – The week of the 20th shows choppiness in our Trend models. Ideally we should see Low, high, Low, high, and continue but the possibility for inversion is massive.

Looking at our Main Trend Targets we see that May 27th is our Strongest Target followed by the 29th.

High Volatility this week.

Resistance forming around the 67,600 – 69,000 area. Should 69,000 be broken expect a testing of 71,000

Summery – Our Monthly Trend models show high possibility for all time Highs the in July. Weekly we may see a reaction-low form to create the energy needed to create sharper Highs.

Minimum Price Target of 70,000 in July, with high possibility of testing the 80,000 area. Should 80,000 be broken our next target would be 84,000


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