Weekly Recap 4-12-24

SPY – The week of April 8th saw yet again another downside week where the market opened at 519.15 and closed at 510.85 making it 8.3 to the downside.

Weekly – We see that our models are still showing a downturn into the week of APril 15th where we can then see a quick bounce into the week of April 22nd”

As our models warned In last week’s Forecast we saw the trend continuing into the week of APril 15th which happened exactly showing that last week was sharply downside.

Exits and PUTS last week in the market would have been an extremely valid strategy it would seem.

DIA – The week of April 8th opened at 389.05 and closed at 37987 making it a sharp downside week just as SPY.

As mentioned in our Forecast to start last week “Our Trend models are showing that the week of the 8th is set for a downside week and the most likely Target to form a Temporary Low.”

This has happened exactly as Forecasted but now as the momentum has turned more Bearish we see a further downside is possible. This will be covered in our up coming forecast before market open Monday the 15th.

DIA 4-8-24 forecast


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