Posts in Forecast

SPY – Weekly forecast 4-8-24

Monthly – the S&P 500 is similar to how we’ve shown before with our Trend models. We[…]

DIA 4-8-24 Weekly Forecast

Monthly – Our models are still showing an overall turn down for the month of April. Weekly[…]

SPY April Forecast 4-2-24 (Free Premium)

S&P 500 is Currently in a Bullish posture in our overall Indication Models SPY Monthly Similar to[…]

DIA Forecast for April 4-2-24 (Free Elite)

DIA Monthly We see that in our Trend Models there is a Major Target for the Month[…]

SPY & DIA Full Free (Elite) Forecast 3-24-24

Staring with the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DIA) at the Monthly level there is clear potential for[…]